Can You Really Repair Split Ends? Experts Weigh In

woman split ends

Tired of split ends getting in the way of a good hair day? While a couple of split ends here and there aren’t a major cause for concern, it’s easy to become fixated on them once you start to see them appearing all over your mane. 

This leads to the big question; can split ends be repaired? Read on as Evalectric explains…

But First…What Exactly Are Split Ends?

Before we discuss whether or not split ends can be repaired, it’s important to understand exactly what split ends are. This means learning a little more about the structure of your hair…

Each strand of hair on your head consists of an inner cortex. This is covered by the cuticle – a protective layer that envelopes the inner cortex. The cuticle isn’t a single smooth layer. Instead, it contains individual ‘scales’. In healthy hair, these scales lie flat against the inner cortex. This keeps the inner cortex safe from environmental damage. The cuticle also keeps moisture trapped in, maintaining the hair’s hydration levels.

With the cuticle sitting on the outermost layer of each strand, this is the part of your hair that receives the brunt of any damage. Once this damage occurs, the scales that make up the cuticle start to lift and split, leaving the inner cortex exposed. 

The Different Types of Split Ends

It’s sometimes pretty easy to tell when you have split ends since those ends will quickly turn brittle and dry. However, they can, on occasion, remain quite soft, which is why it’s worth closely examining the ends of your hair on a regular basis. If you have split ends, you’ll notice that there are small breaks near the end of a strand of hair. Those tips will look frayed, rough, and uneven, and may even be slightly lighter in color than the rest of your locks.

How the ends of your hair actually split will depend on the type of split ends you have:

  • Traditional split – this is a simple split down the middle, causing a V-shape at the end.
  • Tree split – this is when several splits occur down the hair shaft, looking almost like branches on a tree.
  • Feather split – similar to a tree split, but with ends that are much fluffier and frizzier. This can make the splits harder to see.

What Causes Split Ends?

Wondering why split ends occur in the first place? As mentioned above, it all comes down to damaged hair cuticles. This damage can be attributed to a variety of factors, such as:

  • Heat damage
  • Shampooing your hair too often
  • Over-brushing
  • High-tension hair accessories
  • Chemical treatments, such as perms, bleaching, and coloring
  • Rough towel drying

So, Can You Repair Split Ends?

Now that you know a little more about split ends, it’s time to address the main question; can they be repaired?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Once your strands start to break/split, it’s not possible to put them back together. Instead, the only way to get rid of them is to trim them off. If your split ends have been neglected for a while, there’s a good chance that those splits will have continued to travel up your hair shaft, causing longer frays. This means that more length will need to be taken off when you go for a trim in order to ensure that no split strands are left behind.

Hiding the Appearance of Split Ends

Extreme Hold Hair Spray

If the only way to get rid of split ends is to have them trimmed away but, for whatever reason, you’re not able to go for a trim for a while, what do you do about all of those unsightly frays in the meantime?

One option would be to apply a hair oil to your ends. This will leave those frays looking much smoother and softer. It will also give them a bit of shine, allowing them to blend in better with the rest of your mane.

Hairspray can be a big help too. Lightly mist a hairbrush or a spoolie brush with a quality hairspray, such as Evalectric’s Extreme Hold Hair Spray, and use this to tame any frizzy splits.

Preventing Split Ends

Although you can’t repair split ends, there are plenty of steps that you can take to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Once any existing splits have been trimmed away, here’s what you’ll need to do to keep your mane looking and feeling healthy:

Use a Shampoo That Will Leave Your Strands Feeling Stronger


Some shampoos are designed solely to cleanse the hair. Meanwhile, others contain ingredients that can leave your hair feeling stronger and more resilient. The latter is what you want to be using if you’re hoping to prevent the appearance of split ends.

If this calls for a new shampoo, the Evalectric Moisturizing Shampoo would be a great one to try. This formula is infused with argan oil, which will immediately leave your hair feeling smoother and silkier. Argan oil has also been proven to help prevent the look of environmental damage. This, in turn, will help to keep the appearance of split ends at bay.

While you’re at it, avoid applying shampoo to the ends of your hair. This will only dry out those ends even more, leaving you more susceptible to developing split ends.

Always Condition


Keeping the ends of your hair well-moisturized and conditioned will go a long way in preventing them from splitting. This means ensuring that each and every strand is saturated with your conditioner. While working a conditioner through your hands with your fingers is the most common way of applying a conditioner, using a wide-toothed comb to distribute the product through your strands will help with even distribution.

Of course, a good conditioner is essential too. The Evalectric Moisturizing Conditioner, which is loaded with hair-loving argan oil, will help to keep your locks feeling soft and protected.

Be Gentle With Wet Hair

While you should always try to be as gentle as possible with your hair, this becomes even more important when your hair is wet. Why? Because wet hair is extremely fragile. When wet, your hair is even more vulnerable to breaking and splitting. Being rough with your locks in any way will only cause the ‘scales’ on your hair cuticles to lift, leaving that inner cortex exposed and easily damaged.

How should you be gentle with wet hair? Start by taking it easy when towel drying. Don’t roughly rub at your strands with a towel. Instead, use a microfiber towel to gently squeeze and blot out excess moisture. 

If you de-tangle your hair when it’s wet, then, again, be gentle. Don’t yank at your strands or place any tension on them. Instead, slowly work your way through your locks, ideally with a dedicated de-tangling brush.

Be Careful When Heat Styling

Classic-Styler-Crazy Pink

Heat can quickly dry out and damage your hair, which is why heat styling is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to split ends.

To keep your hair safe while you heat style, always apply a heat protectant before getting started. Do this while your hair is still damp. This is when your hair is most permeable, which will allow the heat protectant to sink into your strands more easily.

Your choice of heated styling tool will also make a big difference in terms of how much damage you cause. Excess heat should be avoided at all costs, which is why it can be helpful to invest in heated styling tools that allow you to adjust the amount of heat that’s emitted. The Evalectric Baby Pink Classic Styler 1.25”, for example, comes with an adjustable temperature control. This means that you won’t need to subject your hair to more heat than needed. Its ceramic plates, negative ion technology, and far infrared technology will also help to prevent the appearance of heat damage and split ends.

Keep the Ends of Your Hair Hydrated

Hair Serum

The ends of your hair are prone to dryness and dehydration. This accelerates the development of split ends.

So, to counter this, work on keeping those ends as hydrated as possible. Conditioning them after washing them is one way to do this. However, chances are that your hair will need some extra help in between wash days. This is where a hydrating hair serum, like the Evalectric Hair Serum, can be a game-changer. With a blend of aloe vera and vitamin E, this serum is great for keeping those dry ends feeling deeply hydrated and moisturized.

Sleep on Silk

As we mentioned, being rough with your hair is a surefire way to encourage split ends. A gentle approach should be taken at all times, including while you’re asleep.

Many people don’t realize how much their pillowcases can contribute to hair problems, with split ends being one. Each time your locks rub against your pillow, friction is caused. This roughs up the hair cuticles, leading to frizz and split ends. Many fabrics, such as cotton, are also notorious for absorbing moisture. This is the last thing that you want since dry hair is much more likely to split.

The solution? Sleep on silk, or even satin. Both of these materials are much smoother. They won’t rough up your hair cuticles in the same way and they also won’t suck the moisture from your strands. Even better, not only will a silk pillowcase benefit your hair, but it will do wonders for your skin too! 


Many people are disappointed when they realize that there isn’t any way to repair split ends. Once your strands have broken and frayed, the only way to put things right is to have those damaged ends snipped away.

However, once you’ve done this, revamping your hair care routine in a way that works to prevent the appearance of split ends will save you from having to deal with quite so many in the future. Keep our expert tips in mind and you’ll soon be rocking healthy-looking hair with ends that feel strong and silky-smooth.

Click here to pamper your hair with more bestselling products from Evalectric.

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